Entering previous experience / Converting Paper Logbook

Start from scratch or summarise Aircraft Types
Written by Max
Updated 3 years ago

If you've just started using an electronic/digital logbook for the first time and have thousands of hours to enter, we can make it that bit easier with a few handy tips.

Create 1 Logbook Entry per Aircraft Type

(On the Logbook Entries page)

NOTE: DO NOT enter your hours directly into the Dashboard - this will override the formulas.

Then continue logging one entry per flight as per normal.

This way, your hours summary on the Dashboard will still reflect your hours flown by Aircraft Type. 

Note: You will still need to enter a Date for this entry. We suggest entering the date of the last flight in that aircraft.

Or if you don't have your Hours by Aircraft Type information available...

Sort Flights by Date in Chronological order.

Create 1 Logbook Entry for your total hours

(On the Logbook Entries page)

Then continue logging one entry per flight as per normal.

For this option, you will need to enter an "Aircraft Type" for your previous total experience in the Logbook Entries page. This same "Aircraft Type" will need to be entered into the Dashboard for it to show up (you can put anything for the "Aircraft Type" so long as it matches.

See here for any troubleshooting. 

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