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On the PRINT tab, there are 3-4 sheets.
Your first logbook entry will be found on Page 1a - this first page should be the only page you print that is single-sided (do not print Page 0).
- On the first piece of A4 paper that you print, select "single-sided" with Page 1a only.
- On the second piece of A4 paper that you print, select "double-sided" with Page 1b on the front and Page 2a on the back.
- Change the START PAGE number accordingly and continue printing "double-sided" for subsequent pages.
Can I Print my whole Logbook at once?
Unfortunately, not. If this was the case, the Excel Pilot Logbook file size would be astronomical, as it would require unique formulas for over 200+ pages. Once you've initially printed your logbook, moving forward, printing the latest 2 pages at a time is easy.
Microsoft Excel
- Enter which page number you would like to populate in the red box "START PAGE"
- File -> "Print..."
This will allow you to see which areas of the sheet will be printed. The Horizontal and Vertical Blue lines indicate the content which will be printed on each Page. You can click and drag the Blue lines to the correct Page break (in between the pages) if they are out of alignment.
Google Sheets
- Highlight Rows 1-2, right click and select "Hide" (hide the "Start Page" settings, so that they don't print)
- File -> "Print"
Google Sheets: Print Settings
- Paper Size: Letter (or as required)
- Scale: Fit to Page Breaks
- Margins: Normal (or as required)
- Select "Custom Page Breaks" then "Edit"
- The dotted blue lines indicate the Custom Page Breaks. Move the Horizontal Page Break to below "Page 0b of #" (the bottom of the first page). Move the Vertical Page Break to the far right (where the logbook ends). Repeat this step for all 4 Pages. Note: There should be no Vertical or Horizontal lines within each Page.
Common Errors
"Total pages" to Print incorrect
- This formula calculates the total number of entries you have in your Logbook Entries page (and divides by 23 entries), but it does not take into account any blank rows you may have. So if you have multiple blank rows, then the total will not be correct. Rest assured this won't affect the format of the Printed pages.
More than 3-4 pages to be Printed?
Are there dozens or even hundreds of Pages to be printed instead of the default, 3-4?
- Delete any additional Columns to the right of the Logbook pages.
- Delete any additional Rows below the Logbook pages (there may be blank rows up to row #1000 in Google Sheets)
No data showing up at all
- "Start Page" must be set to a numerical number only. E.g. "1" not "1a".
Printing double-sided, rear page is up-side down
- "Print to PDF". It will then export the file to a .PDF file which you can open in Adobe Reader - this should give you more printing options to get the correct orientation